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Houses and Condominiums

SoCalifornia Living offers an investment minded approach to property management.  For over twenty years we have dedicated ourselves to offering best in class strategies for managing residential property in San Diego.  We are regional experts in San Diego property management.  We are up to speed on all of the latest local, state, and federal housing regulations and are tuned in to the latest market movements and trends in the San Diego sub-market.  We are offer investor grade management strategies designed for maximum asset protection.  These include proper data handling and a strategic layered approach to all maintenance and construction related work  that is always mindful of insurance coverage.  We truly believe we offer the best property management service in San Diego.

Property Management San Diego - SoCalifornia Living

The Middle of the Night Phone Call

Treat your real estate like your stock portfolio.

For many of our clients the decision to hire us brings with it an immediate lifestyle improvement. Our clients sleep, travel, work, and otherwise live their lives without worrying about how to handle an emergency maintenance phone call.

Property Management San Diego - SoCalifornia Living

Protect Your Relationships

Stay friendly with the neighbors and the HOA.

Many of our customers find that there are major advantages to hiring us when it comes to maintaining their relationship with their HOA and neighbors.  We are very responsive and interface extremely well with HOAs so that you don't have to.  These advantages also extend to the neighbors.  We act as an excellent "buffer" for our clients.  

Property Management San Diego - SoCalifornia Living
Property Management San Diego - SoCalifornia Living

Manage the Insurance Claims Process for Property Damage Claims

Yes, we'll even handle your insurance claim.

In the event that there's a serious problem that requires the involvement of your insurance company you'll be glad you hired us.  We've seen it before and know how to handle it.  We will manage the coordination of the claim and the retention of the vendors necessary to professionally resolve the situation. 

Property Management San Diego - SoCalifornia Living

Aware of the Latest Landlord Legal Traps

We stay up to speed so you don't have to.

We stay up to speed and tuned into the latest trends and liability pitfalls that landlords fall victim to.  Just as the latest landlord trap is an emotional support animal (E.S.A.) fair housing lawsuit, we can almost guarantee the next round of expensive lawsuits targeting landlords in Southern California will be compliance with A.B. 1482.  We're on it so you don't have to be.  

Property Management San Diego - SoCalifornia Living

Professional Third Party Services

From painters to public adjusters we've got a guy.

We maintain a continuously growing and updated network of quality third party vendors.  Due to the volume of work that we generate we are able to pass through very competitive rates to our clients.  While we work with an excellent network of vendors, we recognize that maintenance isn't always a one size fits all system, if you have vendors you'd prefer for us to use on your property we'd be happy to do so.  We also have in-house maintenance personnel on staff to economically handle any miscellaneous maintenance needs that may arise.  

Property Management San Diego - SoCalifornia Living

One Time Rent-Up Service

Rent your property with the right documentation.

For the owners that want to continue to self-manage but want to have their property rented professionally with full credit screening, lease documentation and disclosures, income verification, and in full compliance with all local and federal fair housing laws -- we've got you covered.



Tel. 619-445-1353

Fax. 619-445-1383

2445 Alpine Boulevard

Alpine, CA 91901

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